daily doodles #24

So now that it’s fall, I’ve been getting super excited about fall foods! Things like stews and soups that were too hot for summer. Foods like pumpkin pie, pumpkin pudding, pumpkin cream *drool*

Fall is my favorite time of year– apples grow abundantly everywhere and there’s a lot of urban foraging to be done, for cheapskates like me. So, in a nutshell, I’ve been excited to cook and eat! Unfortunately, it’s also the season for rain– cold, cold rain. And while this is great for sitting indoors, warm, with a bowl of hot chili, it makes it hard to go out and get the ingredients to make said bowl of chili. Further, since I don’t have a car, this brings me back to the fact: I hate the rain.

Happy Fall!
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1 Response to daily doodles #24

  1. Matt Aucoin says:

    I hate the rain too, mostly. And boy, does it rain down where you are.

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